Ariqa Muqsitha Syafitri


Abstract: The phenomenon of parasocial interaction nowadays is increasingly common along with the increasing number of fans who faithfully await the arrival of their idol. Parasocial itself is an interaction and/or relationship that occurs between idols and their fans that gives a sensation as if they are in an actual relationship, being in the same place even though in reality they only see their idol through certain media. An animated film directed by Satoshi Kon, Perfect Blue (1997), describes the disturbing condition of this phenomenon which is still relevant until today. Thus, the author conducted a descriptive qualitative research using the semiotic analysis theory of Roland Barthes in order to delve deeper into this problem and its relation to the current state of affairs. Through the theory that has been mentioned, objects in the form of scenes, dialogues, and characters in the film are analysed based on the connotations, denotations, and myths from each scene. The main subject of this analysis is Me-Mania, a fan of an ex-member of the idol group CHAM!. Mima Kirigoe, who disagrees with the change in her career choice. The main point of parasocial representation in this film is Me-Mania's excessive obsession in maintaining Mima's innocent image before becoming an actress.


animated movie; parasocial relationship; semiotic

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