Nurul Atikah Fauzi


Abstract: The village is the smallest administrative region in the Indonesian state system. The Establishment of place-naming or toponyms, which village is one of them, can be identified through linguistic studies. This study aims to explore the naming process of the Sirnabaya Village by finding a naming pattern based on aspects underlying the village toponym and discovering Cirebon’s folklore which is the belief of the local community. This study is descriptive qualitative research. In obtaining data on toponyms pattern in Sirnabaya Village, the researcher used uninvolved conversation observation technique and recorded notes technique. The folklore data was obtained through interviews, observations, and documentation. These data will be processed using triangulation. The results showed that the pattern of naming Sirnabaya Village was affected by a cultural background that had related to the Kingdom of Singopuro folklore.


Folklore; Toponyms; Sirnabaya Village

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