Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Android untuk Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Materi Pencemaran Lingkungan dan Upaya Pelestariannya

Dimyani Dimyani, Lilik Mawartiningsih


Learning media in educational institutions that are used today is less than optimal because it is still using conventional learning media. This causes the disinterest of educators and learners to the media available. Based on the observations during this learning media used is in the form of whiteboards, power points, and LKS. This causes the learning in the class to be monotonous so that many students are less enthusiastic in following the lesson. Therefore it is necessary for a medi mediation learning that can provide solutions in permasalhan one of them is the Android-based learning media. The purpose of this media development is to develop a learning media using an Android-based application packed in content containing news, materials, forums, quizzes, and competencies so that students are interested to learn with teacher guidance or independently. This type of research is a development research that is developing a suitable learning media for environmental pollution material and the preservation effort of class X, the media produced then validated by 2 media experts and 3 material experts. The results showed average 83% material experts and 90% media experts who showed valid criteria and were eligible to use. The average student responds very well and well to the development. From the results of the trial amounted to 25 students obtained N gain of 0.40 and with a significant level of 0.05% through t test obtained 4.72 results greater than the value of t table 1.71 which indicates a significant effect on student learning outcomes.


Learning Media, Android, Development, Learning Outcomes, Environmental Pollution

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