Identification Of Sports Talent Using Sport Search Method At 11-12 Years Old

Almeida Nisa'ul Khoiriyah, Indra Himawan Susanto, Mokhamad Nur Bawono, Ananda Perwira Bakti


Talent scouting is a namely the innate ability of someone who has potential in sports such as athletics, diving, football. The general aim of this research is to find out the sports talent and potential of children aged 11-12 years who are attending elementary school. The approach in conducting this research is to use a quantitative descriptive method. The population of this study were elementary school students aged 11-12 years, a sample of 100 respondents was taken. The tool used in this study is by carrying out a standardized sport search test. Data analysis techniques were performed using sport search software. The results in this study indicate that this research is included in the very potential category of 0%, while in the potential category there are 2% of students. In the potential enough category there are 17% of students. In the less potential category there are 47% of students, in the non-potential category there are 34% of students. The conclusions in this study indicate that the talents possessed by students at the age of 11-12 years include sprint sports, diving, trampoline, long jump and triple jump, orienteering, and long distance running.

Keywords: Sports Talent, Talent Identification, Sport Search Method.


Sports Talent, Talent Identification, Sport Search Method.

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