Design Analysis and Structural Prediction of Bus Driver Chair Support: A Study Case using HOQ and FEM

Joung Hyung Cho, Ridwan Ridwan, Rama Panji Kusuma, Joko Triyono, Nurul Muhayat, Aprianur Fajri, Fajar Budi Laksono


The bus driver's comfort is crucial. The location of the driver's seat, which is correlated with the seat support design, is one of the elements supporting his comfort. The bus business chosen as a representative is PT Selamet Trans Abadi, which has its headquarters in Pati City, Central Java. By considering the Safety Factor, House of Quality (HOQ), weight, shape, and seat support dimensions, this study intends to ascertain how the characteristics of the bus seat support form after receiving a load or force. Conducting a field visit to gather the necessary data is the initial step in this research. The following stage is to decide on the design criteria based on the collected data. Next, use Solidwork to model the design. Using the Finite Element Method (FEM), this program can investigate design characteristics. The loading simulation under consideration includes clutch engagement, bus brake application, and clutch engagement, whether the support is static or stationary. The validation with two supporting journals is then run as the following step to validate the findings. The constant chair support fulfills the typical value, according to the study's findings, whereas support 1 is the most fracture-prone. The outcomes of supports 2 and 3 demonstrate that the support strength is weak since it is subjected to an unequal load.

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