Physical structure of leather tanned with aluminium as an alternative tanning agent

Emiliana Anggriyani, Nais Pinta Adetya, Laili Rachmawati, Nurwantoro Nurwantoro


Objective: This study aims to examine the physical structure of goat skins tanned with aluminium as an alternative tanning agent.

Methods: Twelve pieces of goat skin from the pikle breed were used in the study. Chromosal B, an aluminium tanning agent, Novaltan Al, salt (NaCl), Derminol OCS, MgO, Sodium bicarbonate, a BCG indicator, Permit MLN, and an anti-fungal are among the chemicals utilized. The approach involves tanning using chrome tanning as a control and aluminum tanning with amounts of 2%, 4%, and 6% Al2O3. Cross-sectional tests were used to assess the wet white leather's results, and the SEM-EDX method was used to determine the leather's composition.

Results: Leather tanned with aluminium tanning agent shows the distribution of aluminium in the skin section, the increasing use of aluminium tanning materials, the higher the aluminium content in tanned leather.

Conclusions: The presence of aluminium tanning agent in the skin indicates an interaction between the material and the skin so that it can be used as an alternative tanning agent.


Aluminium; Free chrome; Mineral tanning agent; Physical structure

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