Morphometric characterization and effect of growth hormone (GH) gene polymorphism on growth traits of Kerinci duck (Anas platyrhynchos)

Salsabila Salsabila, Depison Depison, Silvia Erina


Objective: To determine the association of GH gene diversity with growth traits and to obtain the morphometric characteristics in Kerinci ducks.

Methods: The research method is an experiment using 96 blood samples of Kerinci duck blood. The methods included data collection on quantitative characteristics (body weight, body weight gain, body measurements), blood samples from Kerinci ducks, DNA extraction activities, PCR amplification and restriction with AluI enzyme. Data analysis included t-test, T2-Hotelling, principal component analysis, genotype frequency, allele, Hardy-Weinberg balance, heterozygosity, and PIC.

Results: The quantitative characteristics of male Kerinci ducks were significantly different (P<0.05) higher than female Kerinci ducks. Analysis of the Kerinci duck GH|AluI gene was polymorphic. The population of Kerinci ducks was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P>0.05). Diversity Value of Kerinci Duck Ho<He. Quantitative characteristics of GH gene of Kerinci duck genotype +/+ were significantly different (P<0.05) higher than genotype +/- and -/-.

Conclusions: The quantitative characteristics of male Kerinci ducks were higher than female Kerinci ducks. Characteristics of the body size of Kerinci duck are the length of sternum, length of shank, and circumference of shank, and identifier of body shape is length of wings. The Kerinci duck GH|AluI gene is polymorphic and has associations with quantitative characteristics, with the best genotype being the +/+ genotype.


Association; Characterization; Growth Hormone (GH) gene; Kerinci duck

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