Persentase keberhasilan inseminasi buatan dosis ganda pada sapi persilangan Limousin dengan karakter lendir serviks yang berbeda

Nurul Layla, Yadi Malda, Aulia Puspita Anugra Yekti, Asri Nurul Huda, Rizki Prafitri, Kuswati Kuswati, Trinil Susilawati


Objective: The aim of the study was to find out the successful pregnancy in Limousin crossbreed cattle using double-dose AI method on different characters of cervical mucus.

Methods: The material used in this study were 45 female cattle with BCS criteria 3-6 on a scale of 1-9 and aged 1.8-6 years. The parameters observed were the condition of the mucus, the pH of the mucus and the electrical resistance of the mucus. AI method uses a double dose method with 4+ semen deposition (cornua utery).

Results: The results showed that the highest percentages of NRR 1 and NRR 2 were shown by cattle with the criteria for mucus conditions being present and abundant. It has a pH value of 8 and an electric current resistance is in the range of 20-29 Ω with a percentage of NRR 1 of 62.22%, 53.33% and 71.11%, while the NRR 2 has a percentage of respectively 60.00%, 51.11% and 68.89%. The highest percentage of CR was also shown by cattle with the mucus character, which had percentages of 33.33%, 33.33% and 42.22%, respectively.

Conclusions: It was concluded that the highest percentage of pregnancy was shown by cattle with the criteria of mucus being present and abundant, having a pH value of 8 and having an electric current resistance value in the 20-29 Ω category.


Conception rate; Artificial insemination; Cervical mucus; Non return rate


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