Nutritional quality of fermented feed for local chicken containing banana tree waste in Sidolego Village, Tabir Lintas District, Merangin Regency

Nurhayati Nurhayati, Berliana Berliana, Nelwida Nelwida, Depison Depison, Endri Musnandar, Heru Handoko, Yun Alwi, Raden Abdul Muthalib, Abdul Azis


Objective: This study aims to determine the nutritional quality of fermented feed containing banana plant waste that will be given to native chickens in Sidolego Village to accelerate the achievement of Sidolego Village as a chicken center village.

Methods: The ingredients used to make fermented feed were banana tree waste, black garlic, curcuma, maize, rice bran, fish meal, and coconut meal. All ingredients were ground into flour, mixed thoroughly, and fermented using a solution of Effective Microorganisms 4 (6ml EM4: 6gram sugar: 1-liter water). The study was designed into a completely randomized design with 4 treatments; length of fermentation (1, 2, 3, and 4 days) and 5 replications. The parameters were the nutrient content (dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, crude fiber, and crude fat) and metabolizable energy.

Results: The results showed that the fermentation time significantly affected (P<0.05) the nutrient content and energy of fermented feed. Fermentation for 3 days significantly decreased dry matter, crude fiber, nitrogen-free extract, and metabolizable energy. The fermentation period did not significantly affect organic matter and crude fat content, but it significantly increased crude protein content.

Conclusions: It was concluded that feed containing banana tree waste fermented using EM4 for 3 days had sufficient nutrients especially crude protein content (20%) and might be offered to the growing local chickens in Sidolego Village and meet their nutrient requirement. It is recommended that the results of this study be followed up on feeding to local chickens kept in Sidolego Village to know its effect on local chicken performance.



Kampung chicken; Sidolego Village; Nutritional quality; Banana tree waste; Fermented feed

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