Analysis of CSN2 variants in Friesian Holstein cows and their association with milk protein allergy and production traits

Mohammad Ilham Dhiaurridho, Firmansyah Tristadika Prakosa, Firna Fauziatul Karimah, Salsabilla Ramadhana, Ine Febriantama, Thoriq Aldri Bramastya, Ahmad Pramono, Muhammad Cahyadi


Objective: The objective of this study was to analyze CSN2 variants in Indonesian Friesian Holstein (FH) cow and their association with milk protein allergy and production traits.

Methods: Genomic DNA was extracted from bloods of twelve Indonesian FH cow. Exon 7 of the CSN2 was amplified using novel primer pair to produce 683 bp amplicon. The primers were 5’-ACCCCAATTTCTTAACCAAACCA-3’ as a forward primer and 5’-CATCAGAAGTTAAACAGCACAGT-3’ as a reverse primer. The PCR products were analyzed to determine the nucleotide sequence of CSN2 using Bioedit version 7.2.5. Moreover, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) was calculated and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to associate between CSN2 variants and milk production traits.

Results: Two polymorphisms, c.350A>C and c.516G>C, were identified in the CSN2 exon 7. Base substitution from adenine (A) to cytosine (C) of c.350A>C changed amino acid codon from histidine (CAU) to proline (CCU), and base substitution guanine (G) to cytosine (C) of c.516G>C changed amino acid codon from arginine (AGG) to serine (AGC). The CC genotype frequency for c.350A>C SNP was 33% and they were able to produce A2 CSN2 variant which is favorable for preventing lactose intolerance. In addition, there were no association between c.350 A>C and c.516 G>C SNP of the CSN2 with milk production traits.

Conclusions: In conclusion, A1 and A2 variants of CSN2 were identified in Indonesian FH population and they did not associate with milk production in Indonesian FH.



CSN2; Friesian Holstein; lactose intolerance; A2 milk; milk production

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