Penambahan PGF2α dalam pengencer semen dapat meningkatkan motilitas pasca thawing motility spermatozoa domba Waringin

Husnurrizal Husnurrizal, Ade Syahriani Aritonang, Tongku Nizwan Siregar, Teuku Armansyah, Hafizuddin Hafizuddin


Objective: The purpose of this research was to find out the rise of spermatozoa motility of Waringin sheep which was given additional amount of PGF2α in commercial semen diluents (Andromed).

Methods: A total of 3 Waringin sheep aged 2-3 years were used in this study. Semen samples were collected using an artificial vagina and evaluation of the quality of the spermatozoa was carried out macroscopically and microscopically. This study used a unidirectional completely randomized design. After evaluated, semen samples were added with Andromed diluents afterwards divided into three groups treatment, K1; K2; and K3 where each group was then added with physiologic NaCl, 37,5 µg PGF2α, and 75 µg PGF2α. All of the samples were equilibrated in refrigerator for 4 hours and spermatozoa motility was examined, then after the freezing process was carried out and stored for 24 hours, the post thawing spermatozoa motility was examined. The data obtained was analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and followed by Duncan test.

Results: The result of the research showed that motility of post equilibration spermatozoa (%) of Waringin sheeps at K1; K2; and K3 were 43,67±1,20; 75,00±4,00; and 82,33 ±3,18 (P<0,05); and motility of post thawing spermatozoa (%) of Waringin sheeps at K1; K2; and K3 were 25,33±1,85; 49,33±3,17; dan 54,00 ±5,50 (P<0,05).

Conclusions: In conclusion that was the rise in motility of prefreezing spermatozoa and motility of post thawing spermatozoa of Waringin sheep which given additional amount of PGF2α on Andromed diluents.


Waringin sheep, PGF2α, spermatozoa motility, prefreezing, post thawing


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