Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi adopsi pemanfaatan limbah pertanian sebagai pakan pada peternak sapi perah di Kabupaten Enrekang

Syahdar Baba, Ilham Syarif, Sitti Sohrah


Objective: This study aim was to determine the factors that influence the adoption of agricultural waste utilization as dairy feed among farmers in Enrekang Regency.

Methods: This research was conducted from July to September 2019 in Cendana and Anggeraja Districts, which are the centers for dairy cows in Enrekang district. The number of farmers in these two sub-districts were 261 people or 72% of the total population of dairy farmers in Enrekang district. The number of respondents were 77 who were selected using the simple random sampling method. Data collection was carried out by trained enumerators using a questionnaire. Data analysis used the F test to determine the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable (adoption of agricultural waste utilization) and the t test for the partial test of each independent variable. The mathematical model used was a logistic regression model because the variable adoption of agricultural waste utilization was a dichotomous variable.

Results: The results showed that the most common types of agricultural waste used as feed in the dry season were sweet potato leaves and rejected sweet potatoes (50.6%), while in the rainy season it was sweet corn straw (30.6%). The method of utilizing agricultutral waste as feed was: directly given to dairy cattle (53%), withered first (25%), fermented (11%) and mixed with concentrate (11%). Factors that influence the adoption of agricultural waste as feed were the number of lactating dairy cattle (X1), contact with extension workers (X4) and the age of farmers (X5). Meanwhile, the cosmopolite variables (X2), formal education (X3), length of farming (X6) and number of families (X7) did not affect the adoption of agricultural was as feed.

Conclusions: To increase the adoption of agricultural waste as feed, the intensity of extension needs to be increased, especially for older breeders with 1 - 3 heads of lactating cattle.


adoption; dangke; Enrekang District; agricultural waste; feed


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