Kecernaan nutrien dan performa ternak babi fase starter yang diberi pakan campuran bahan pakan limbah

Majanto Ullo, Sangle Yohannes Randa, Sri Hartini


Objective: This study aimed to observe the effect of various combinations of by product feeds on feed and nutrient digestibility, and performance of starter pigs.

Methods: The experimental design was a Completely Randomized Design with 4 treatments and 3 replications. Treatment were: P0 (CP551 as a control diet), P1 (diets mixed of fish waste, tofu waste and vegetable leftovers), P2 (P1 + rice bran), and P3 (P2 + taro peelings). Twelve pigs at 2-months old with initial body weight about 5.49 to 9.20 kg (coefficient variance 16.37%) were used in this study. The pigs were fed the experimental diets for 4 weeks.

Results: Body weight gain (BWG) and feed consumption of starter pigs given P1, P2, and P3 were lower than P0. However, there was no significant effect found on feed conversion ratio (FCR). Feed treatments did not affect total feed digestibility, nevertheless effect on nutrient digestibility was only found on crude fiber (CF). Pigs given P0, P2, and P3 had CF digestibility higher than P1.

Conclusions: By-product diets had a negative impact on the performance of starter pigs. However, it had no effect on feed digestibility. The high content of CF in by-product diets was suggested to reduce the feed palatability in which consequently reduced feed consumption and body weight gain. The interactions of an individual fiber with other feed components in a diet could modify its physicho-chemical property which could impact on CF digestibility.


Body weight gain; Crude fiber digestibility; Feed palatability; Pig


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