Pendampingan dan peningkatan kompetensi praktek biologi mikroskopis bagi siswa SMP Djama’atul Ichwan, Surakarta

Elisa Herawati, Shanti Listyawati, Tetri Widiyani, Agung Budiharjo, Okid Parama Astirin


Microscopic biology studies organisms at the cellular level and is an integral part of modern scientific knowledge. At Djama'atul Ichwan Junior High School, Surakarta, limited facilities make it difficult to learn microscopic biology concepts and gain practical experience in the school laboratory. The school hope for assistance to improve practical competence in biology subjects. This community service aims to improve the student’s practical competence and general insight into microscopic biology as covered in science material in junior high schools.

The school's lack of competency in practical microscopic biology stems from the absence of science laboratories, practical media, and microscopes. The UNS PKM team presents a solution in the form of a mentoring program for students over one semester, which includes: 1) an introduction to microscopes and their applications; 2) practice making simple microscopic preparations according to junior high school material; 3) procurement of a light microscope, practicum modules, and foldscopes for the school; 4) ongoing communication and feedback regarding practical activities with microscopes throughout the semester.

The success of the activity can be measured by pre- and post-test scores, practical sessions, and the procurement of microscopes for the school. Students understand the principal work and application of microscopes for visualizing cellular and tissue structures, as evidenced by over 25% increase in post-test scores for 72% of students. In the practical sessions, students were able to make two different preparations for observation under a microscope and identify their parts. Furthermore, students will be able to practice microscopic biology independently in their school using the microscopes provided through this community service activity.


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