Abstract This research aims to improve learning motivation with the implementation of the Teams Games Tournament model assisted by Smart Apps Creator based on Basic Accounting lessons. This research used the classroom action research with two cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages, namely: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The research subjects were 36 students in grade X AKL SMK. Data collection used interviews, observation, and questionnaires. Validity testing used the triangulation method. The data analysis technique used comparative description. The results of this research conclude that the implementation of the Teams Games Tournament model assisted by Smart Apps Creator can improve the learning motivation in Basic Accounting lessons. The percentage of indicators of learning motivation from the results of observations is persistence 77,8%, tenacity 79,4%, interest 79,2%, independence 71,4%, students get bored quickly with routine task by 81,1%, defending opinions 75,8%, confidence 73,9%, and active 80,6%. While the percentage of indicators of learning motivation from the results of the questionnaire is perseverance 79,3%, tenacity 80,0%, interest 79,4%, independence 72,9%, students get bored quickly with the routine task 88,8%, defending opinion 77,9%, confidence 75,6%, and active 80,7%. Keywords: Teams Games Tournament, Smart Apps Creator, Learning Motivation
Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar dengan penerapan model Teams Games Tournament berbantu Smart Apps Creator pada pelajaran Akuntansi Dasar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri dari kegiatan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian adalah 36 siswa X AKL SMK. Pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan angket. Uji validitas menggunakan validitas triangulasi metode. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik deskriptif komparatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan model Teams Games Tournament berbantu Smart Apps Creator dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar Akuntansi Dasar. Persentase indikator motivasi belajar dari hasil observasi yaitu ketekunan sebesar 77,8%, keuletan sebesar 79,4%, minat sebesar 79,2%, mandiri sebesar 71,4%, siswa cepat bosan dengan tugas rutin sebesar 81,1%, mempertahankan pendapat sebesar 75,8%, kemampuan siswa mempertahankan keyakinan sebesar 73,9%, dan keaktifan siswa sebesar 80,6%. Sedangkan persentase indikator motivasi belajar dari hasil angket yaitu ketekunan sebesar 79,3%, keuletan sebesar 80,0%, minat siswa sebesar 79,4%, mandiri sebesar 72,9%, siswa cepat bosan dengan tugas rutin sebesar 88,8%, mempertahankan pendapat sebesar 77,9%, kemampuan siswa mempertahankan keyakinan sebesar 75,6%, dan keaktifan siswa sebesar 80,7%. Kata kunci: Teams Games Tournament, Smart Apps Creator, Motivasi Belajar
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