Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Berbasis Articulate Storyline pada Materi Keliling dan Luas Bangun Datar

Nia Apriyanti, Riyadi Riyadi, M Ismail Sriyanto


Mathematics is very useful in everyday life. Based on this, mathematics is important to learn. Nevertheless, the facts found in the field of mathematics learning outcomes are still very low. Media learning is one of the things that can affect the quality of math learning. Based on the results of interviews and observations at SDN Dukuhan Kerten, it was found that there were problems with the limitations of mathematics learning media on the circumference and area of flat shapes. Therefore, this study aims to develop an interactive learning medium based on articulated storylines on the material circumference flat shapes and areas. This type of research is development research using a 4D research model (Define, design, development, and desiminate). The implementation of this research was carried out only at the development stage. Data collection techniques in this study used interviews, observations, documentation studies, and questionnaires. The results of this study are valid learning media based on the percentage of material expert assessment of 89.3% and the percentage of media expert assessment of 93.1%. The results of this study are also in the form of practical learning media based on teacher assessments with a percentage of 96.4% and student assessments with a percentage of 91.54%.


interactive learning media; Articulate Storyline; perimeter and area of flat shapes

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