Penanaman kesadaran berlalu lintas pada anak usia dini dengan metode karyawisata ke taman lalu lintas

Dwi Indarti


This paper describes the method of field trips to traffic parks which are expected to instill awareness of passing in early childhood. The background is that in general the community does not see the correct knowledge of traffic. The level of awareness of road users on the importance of safety is minimal, due to the lack of attention from families and educators. As an educator, it is not only based on
completing the preparation, but also must be able to provide or instill a good personality education because of the character education for students, it can be ascertained that the student's personality will be good. The core of planting traffic awareness in Early Childhood Education through the field trip method
is that educators try to convey and convey the steps in cultivating awareness to early childhood using the field trip method, namely the learning process while playing integrated with the introduction of values which opens up an agreement so that children enthusiastic children, the core activity of instilling traffic ethics is the behavior of road users in implementing traffic laws and regulations as well as norms of
courtesy among road users, namely around questions and answers about core activities, greetings and prayers. The learning process using the field trip method is expected when the child understands the knowledge of traffic rules and behaves as a correct road user.


traffict awareness, early childhood, fild trip method

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