Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar PKn Tentang Nilai- Nilai Juang dalam Proses Perumusan Pancasila sebagai Dasar Negara pada Peserta Didik Kelas VI A SD Negeri Kasreman melalui Metode Tari Bambu di Semester I Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019

Rokhimah Rokhimah


The type of this research is a Class Action Research (CAR) with the
purpose to analyze the application of the civic education’s learning outcome about
the fighting values in Pancasila formulation as the state foundation of the students
of Class VI A the Elementary School of Kasreman with the bamboo dancing
method on the first Semester of the 2018/2019 year academic. The subjects of this
research are the students of Class VI A the Elementary School of Kasreman on the
first Semester of the 2018/2019 year academic as much as twenty one children;
consist of fourteen boys and seven girls. The data resources of this research are
relating with learning activities and learning outcomes. Techniques of collecting
data of this research are using non test technique and test technique. Technique of
analyzing data of this research is using comparative description. The procedure of
this research is an action research with the spiral model. The results of this research
are 1) the Civic Education’s learning about the fighting values in Pancasila
formulation as the state foundation is an individual and different task for each
student, 2) the Civic Education’s learning about the fighting values in Pancasila
formulation as the state foundation is only a single task with an optional question,
3) the Civic Education’s learnings about the fighting values in Pancasila
formulation as the state foundation are increasing the learning activities; actively
answering the questions form the teacher and other students, very actively asking
the questions to the teacher and actively declaring the opinions and 4) the Civic
Education’s learnings about the fighting values in Pancasila formulation as the
state foundation are increasing the learning outcomes. The learning outcomes on
the Early Condition are 62,14 for the average and 42,85% for the completeness.
The learning outcomes on the First Cycle are 72,14 for the average and 71,42% for
the completeness. The learning outcomes on the Second Cycle are 82,85 for the
average and 85,71% for the completeness.


Hasil Belajar; PKn; Pancasila; Metode Tari Bambu

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