Peningkatan Perhatian dan Hasil Belajar PKn Materi Budi Pekerti melalui Metode Pembelajaran Talking Stick (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Pada Peserta Didik Kelas I Semester 2 SDN Ngiyono Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016)

Mashadi Mashadi


Abstract. The purpose of this study was to increase the attention and
learning outcomes of PKN in the second semester students of class I on
Budi Pekerti material at SD Negeri Ngiyono through the Talking Stick
learning method for the 2015/2016 school year. This type of research is
Class Action Research conducted in 2 cycles. Subjects of the study were
class I students, amounting to 18 students consisting of 9 male students and
9 female students. Data collection methods used are observation, tests, and
documentation. The results of the study showed an increase in the attention
and learning outcomes of PKN students. This is shown from the pre cycle
average value of attention and learning outcomes of students is 71.11 with a
percentage of completeness of 35.00% which reaches the value of
completeness. In the first cycle the average value of attention and learning
outcomes of students is 79.44 with the percentage of completeness 68.00%
while in the second cycle the average value of attention and learning
outcomes of students is 88.33 with a percentage of 96.00% completeness.
Attention and learning outcomes of students on PKN subjects Budi Pekerti
material in class I semester 2 increased with the application of Talking Stick
learning methods and has met the indicator of success that is equal to 75%.

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