Development of Misconception Diagnostic Test in Momentum and Impulse Using Isomorphic Problem

Nadiyah El-Haq Diyanahesa, Sentot Kusairi, Eny Latifah


Preconception of the students influences to construct knowledge. They entered the classroom with conception formed from daily life. If their conception are not accordance with scientific concepts it’s  called misconceptions. Misconception is believed by students and used consistently. Teachers need to find out information on a student misconceptions by providing diagnostic tests immedietly. Diagnostic instrument that measure more accurately concepts understanding is isomorphic. Problem isomorphic composed of several question in different context and representation, but solved by the same principles. The goal of this study developing a multiple-choice diagnostic test instrument isomorphic to diagnose misconception of students on momentum and impulse. This study is research and development using ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development or Production, Implementation or Delivery and Evaluations). Development steps consist of: (1) Analysis, (2) Design, (3) Develop, and (4) Implement. Before  Implement steps, test instrument validated by lecture and two teachers. The instrument have been revised administered to students of class XI MIA 4 MAN Tlogo Blitar and  X MIA U1 MAN 1 Tulungagung. Results of this study are 15 items multiple choice diagnostic instruments isomorphic belongs five indicators. Based on the validation by two physics teachers and lecturers, instrument accordance used as a diagnostic instrument capable to distinguish between students misconceptions and naive concept. Around 67.8% of students who have answered the description are still misconceptions. Based on the test analysis accordance with open ended question instrument test diagnostic isomorphic produce higher accuracy by taking two of the three questions the answers provided.


isomorphic problem; misconception; momentum and impulse

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