The Influence of Personal Characteristics on Entrepreneurship Interest in Science and Social Students

Anang Wahid Rafi'i, Indah Widiastuti, Suharno Suharno


Unemployment is one of the problems that must be overcome, one way to reduce the number of unemployed is to grow entrepreneurial interest. Entrepreneurial interest is influenced by several factors including entrepreneurial education, entrepreneurial motivation, and self-confidence. The research aims to analyse the influence of personal characteristics that include entrepreneurial education, motivation, and confidence in entrepreneurial interest in science and social students. This research method uses correlational research design. The subjects in the study were undergraduate students of semester 8 of Sebelas Maret University with a population of 3458 respondents, the sample was obtained by propotional random sampling technique as many as 97 respondents. Data collection method uses questionnaires. Data analysis uses quantitative analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results of the data analysis showed that the variables of entrepreneurial education, motivation, and confidence affect the entrepreneurial interests of science and social students.


Entrepreneurial; Education; motivation; Self confidence


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