Fatihul Ihsan, Suharno Suharno, Nyenyep Sri Wardani


This study aims to determine: 1. The perception of vocational education students towards the opportunities and threats of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. 2. The readiness of vocational education students in facing the opportunities and threats of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. This research is descriptive research with quantitative approach. The study was conducted in vocational technical education courses FKIP UNS. The population were 6th semester student from three courses (Mechanical Engineering Education, Building Engineering Education, and Informatics Engineering Education) that obtained the sample were 119 people. Data that were collected by questionnaire. Data validity is examined by expert judgment. The techniques of data analysis are frequency description and Top Two Boxes. The results showed that the respondents' perceptions towards the opportunities and threats of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 are good. This is supported by the results of the percentage of Top Two Boxes (T2B) by 71%. Then, the respondent's perception of the ability in facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0 as prospective educators classified in the very well category. It is supported by 80% T2B. However, the perceptions of the respondents’ in organization of vocational education belong to the enough category. That is, with the acquisition of 58% T2B.


Students Readiness, Vocational Education, The Industrial Revolution 4.0

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