Mahdiyah Al Muti’ah, Muhammad Akhyar, Budi Harjanto


This research aims at finding: (1) correlation between creativity learn students with achievement manufacture drawing practice students of grades  XI vocational high school 2 of Karanganyar, (2) correlation between computer laboratory facilities with achievement manufacture drawing practice students grades XI vocational high school 2 of Karanganyar, (3)correlation between creativity learn students and computer laboratory facilities with achievement manufacture drawing practice students grades XI vocational high school 2 of Karanganyar.  This research was a correlational-quantitative study. The population of this study was an all of mechanical engineering department vocational high school 2 of Karanganyar students grades XI which it has 104 students and samples used 80 students with simple random sampling technique. In collecting the data, the researcher used questionnaire methods and documentation methods. Questionnaires are used to gather data independent variable that was creativity learn students and computer laboratory facilities, whereas documentation methods were used to gather bound variable achievement manufacture drawing practice, students. The validity test used the product moment formula, the reliability test used the alpha Cronbach formula. The analytical rules test which was used, those are normality test, linearity test, multi co-linearity test, autocorrelation test, and heteroscedasticity. Data analytical techniques used partial correlation and double linear regression. The result of the study shows that: (1) there has a significant positive correlation between creativity learn students with achievement manufacture drawing practice students of grades  XI students of machine engineering department vocational high school 2 of Karanganyar with effective contribution of 54,7%, (2) there has a significant positive correlation between computer laboratory facilities with achievement manufacture drawing practice students of grades XI students of machine engineering department vocational high school 2 of Karanganyar with effective contribution of 20,4%,(3) there has a significant positive correlation between creativity learn students and computer laboratory facilities in a simultaneous manner with the achievement manufacture drawing practice students of grades XI students of mechanical engineering department vocational high school 2 of Karanganyar with effective contribution of 75,1%.


Learning Creativity, Computer Laboratory Facilities, Learning Achievement, Drawing Manufacture

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