Aris Eko Wibowo, Endri Triwiyono


This study aims to describe the implementation, obstacles and benefits of peer teaching methods in machining practice frais course. The method was a descriptive qualitative. The population comprised of semester 1 students of Study Program of Mechanical Engineering Education Faculty of Engineering UNY. Data were collected by observation and interview. Data analysis used interactive model. The results show that this implementation works well with several benefits and obstacles. Benefits: 1) Improving discussion habits and exchanging knowledge to improve learning activities. 2) Provide an active learning experience. 3) Accelerate machining frais competence for high school graduate students. 4) Strengthening machining frais competence for vocational graduate students. 5) Improving students' enthusiasm, teamwork and confidence to do frais work. Obstacles: 1) introductory theory explanation was less conducive because students are listening while standing. 2) WPS discussion during the learning process reduces the practice time allocation. 3) Some students did not use glasses as a safety tool.


Peer teaching; Competence; Machining frais

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