Endri Triwiyono, Bernardus Agus Munadi


This study aims to improve the learning activity and psychomotor ability of Vocational High School (SMK) students in Metal Fabrication Technique on oxyacetillin welding study by using Problem-Based Learning (PBL) method according to Curriculum 2013. The research method uses action research research in two cycles, while each cycle consists of four stages: planning, execution, observation, and reflection. Data was collected using observation method with checklist instrument and rating scale while data was analyzed descriptively. The results showed as follows: 1) the application of PBL method on the learning of Oksi Asetilin Laser can increase student learning activity by 11,20%; 2) improvement of learning result of psychomotor aspect after applying Problem Based Learning by 20,20% with psychomotor aspect ability level that is work preparation and use of tool, systematics and work method, work result, work attitude and speed of doing work (time); 3) after the application of PBL the number of students who reached the Minimum Exhaustiveness Criteria (KKM) on the cognitive aspect learning outcome of 91.31%; and 4) Problem Based Learning is aligned with the scientific approach of the Curriculum 2013.


Problem-based learning; Activities; Psychomotor aspects; Learning outcomes

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