Edukasi dan Praktik Cuci Tangan Enam Langkah Menggunakan Sabun dan Air Mengalir sebagai Upaya Preventif Mencegah Kecacingan pada Anak Sekolah dan Pra Sekolah

Riswi Alinda Fatmawati


Helminthiasis are an infectious disease that is common in tropical and subtropical regions. Worms are still one of the problems faced by several countries in the world, including Indonesia. It is recorded that more than 1.5 billion or as much as 24% of the world's population suffer from helminthiasis (WHO, 2016). This figure includes as many as 270 million in pre-school children and 600 million in school children. As for Indonesia, the prevalence of helminthiasis is as much as 45-65%. In fact, it can reach 80% in certain areas with poor sanitation. The high prevalence of helminthiasis indicates the need to provide education to children regarding preventive measures to prevent helminthiasis. One of the preventive measures is to diligently wash your hands in the six steps with soap and running water.The method of implementing community service includes the preparation, implementation, and evaluation stages.The activity was carried out on December 4, 2022 at the house of a resident of RT 04 RW 04, Timuran. During the provision of education and practice, the children looked enthusiastic in answering and following the directions.Community service by providing education and hand washing practices has a significant impact on children's attitudes and knowledge.


children; community service; hand washing; helminthiasis; preventife



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Journal of Midwifery in Community (JMC)

Online ISSN: 2988-6384
Published by: Program Studi Sarjana Kebidanan dan Pendidikan Profesi Bidan  Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret
Jl. Ir. Sutami, No. 36A, Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57126