Diversity of Constituent Components of Rice Field Agroforestry in Sawahan Village

Malika Balgis, Herlina Noor Agustin


The conversion of agricultural land into non-agricultural land in Sawahan Village is one of the factors hindering the progress of the economic sector and the welfare of farmers in Sawahan. The best use of the remaining minimal land will help support the progress of farmers in Sawahan, especially with the agroforestry system. This study aims to find out farmers' insights regarding the application of agroforestry systems and find out the agroforestry constituent plants in Sawahan Village. The research method used in obtaining data is through direct observation and interviews through the study of literature. The results of the data that have been obtained from research are the agroforestry system in Sawahan Village, Ngemplak Sub-District, Boyolali Regency is an intercropping alternately. Plants that are often planted by farmers there are woody plants and food plants including rice and crops. The diversity of agroforestry plants in Sawahan Village is composed by the Family of Solanaceae as much as 18.2%; Poaceae as much as 18.2%; Cucurbitaceae as much as 13.6%; Fabaceae with a percentage of 9.05%; As well as other families found as agroforestry-making plants in Sawahan are Family Zingiberaceae, Verbenaceae, Musaceae, Muntingiaceae, Moraceae, Malvaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Caricaceae, Anacardiaceae with each have a percentage of 4.55%. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the farmers implement an agroforestry system because it can improve the economy for farmers and There are 22 species of plants belonging to 13 families found as constituents of the agroforestry system in Sawahan Village.


Agroforestry, diversity, rice fields

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