The Role of Tanggap Kedung Soka's Local Wisdom in Conserving Water: Case Study in Lampar Village, Tamansari District, Boyolali Regency
Cultural environmental services are non-material benefits that can be obtained from ecosystems, such as aesthetic culture and recreational culture. Kedung Soka, which is located in Lampar Village, Tamansari District, Boyolali Regency, is one of the water areas that has been believed for generations as a sacred location because of the myths' existence and beliefs in the community regarding the spiritual power that exists in that location. In addition, Kedung Soka has also been known for a long time as a source of water that has never experienced a drought even in the long dry season. The long historical story also makes this kedung considered sacred, so that people often hold a traditional ceremony to ask for blessings or what is often known as kenduren, known as Tanggap Kedung Soka. As time goes by, currently the water in Kedung Soka is starting to decrease due to several factors of complex environmental changes. The condition of declining water in Kedung Soka is feared to reduce belief in myths that have existed since the time of the ancestors and were taught from generation to generation. This study aims to determine the role of local traditions on environmental services, especially water conservation in a case study of the Kedung Soka Response tradition in Lampar Village, Tamansari District, Boyolali Regency. The research was conducted using a qualitative method to determine the role of local wisdom in Tanggap Kedung Soka tradition, the data in the study was obtained through observation and interviews with the community around Kedung Soka and the community leaders. The results of this study found that Lampar’s community hopes that this traditional ceremony can continue to be carried out every year and they have plans to restore Kedung Soka by dredging the mud so that the springs can return to normal. Efforts that can be made in maintaining the sustainability of the cultural environmental services of Tanggap Kedung Soka tradition can be carried out through several activities such as education, promotion, participation, and the traditions' development for cultural tourism.
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