Analysis of Environmental Services Regulating Function: Air Quality Maintenance in Lampar Village, Tamansari, Boyolali

Desta Eka Fahrurozi, Helena Joan Noven


Lampar Village is one of the villages that can be said to have good environmental services for maintaining air quality because it is located in a highland far from factory activities. Good air quality is an important factor in environmental health. One of the environmental services that is global and is found on almost every surface of the earth is air. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing and analyzing the environmental services of the air quality maintenance function in Lampar Village, Tamansari, Boyolali. The research was conducted for approximately 3 months starting from May to July 2022. The research method used was descriptive-qualitative which represented the exposure of the observations verbally. Lampar Village is an area under the foot of Mount Merapi, so that the terrain includes a transition between flat and sloped so that it affects the pattern of utilization of existing environmental services. The types of utilization of environmental services in Lampar Village consist of air environmental services, water environmental services, and soil and vegetation environmental services. Judging from the measurement results of environmental parameters and the results of village community interviews, the air quality in Lampar Village is still quite good and cool because of the shady plant vegetation and surrounded by forest areas. The only problem lies in the carbon monoxide content resulting from the activity of passing heavy-duty vehicles. Efforts that can be made in maintaining air quality can be by reforesting at several points of the road that are passed by trucks. Optimizing green open spaces at polluted prone points as well as efforts to reduce methane emissions by making biogas and helping the release of oxygen.


Air, CO, Environmental Service, Lampar Village, Regulating Function

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