Comparative Analysis of the Noise Level of Klewer Surakarta Market with Nglano Tasikmadu Karanganyar Market

Azrhi Nurfia Ahdha Aulia, Adhistie Fadila Setyaputri, Devi Mayang Aurina, Siti Rachmawati


The market is a place where traders and buyers can carry out buying and selling activities. The market sells a variety of human daily necessities, therefore its existence can provide an avenue for certain people to fulfil their desires. The purpose of this study was to determine the noise level in Klewer Surakarta Market and Karanganyar Nglano Market. This research was conducted in April 2022. This research was conducted using a sampling method which was taken at two sampling locations located at Klewer Surakarta Market and Nglano Karanganyar Market. In addition, the Comparative Study approach was used in this study by comparing the differences in noise levels between sample points and the causes of differences in noise levels at two sampling points. The results obtained from this study are that Nglano Market has a higher noise intensity of 59.79 while Klewer Market is only 57.69. From the average Leq of the five points, it is known that the resulting Leq value is 66.22 dBA, which means that it still meets the predetermined threshold. It can be concluded from the results of the noise level between the two markets, it can be stated that Klewer Market and Nglano Market still meet the average threshold of noise quality standards if you look at the Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 48 of 1996 concerning Noise Level Standards in the Market of 70 dB. However, the government and citizens must always maintain order, tranquility and cleanliness of the environment in the market.


market, quality, noise, measurement, regulation.

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