The Relationship of Sitting Work Attitude with Job Satisfaction of the Employees in the Weaving Machine in PT Iskandar Indah Printing Textile Surakarta

Sofia Nabila, Sumardiyono Sumardiyono, Sri Indratni


Some workers in the weaving machine use additional footrests because the chair size is too high and some workers have to adjust the position of the legs because the chair size is too short. The purpose of the study to determine the level of job satisfaction of workers in the weaving machine of PT Iskandar Indah Printing Textile Surakarta. This study used a saturated sampling technique with a cross-sectional approach. The object of research amounted to 24 people. Collecting data using observation sheets, anthropometry sets to measure anthropometric data of workers, and questionnaires to assess job satisfaction. Data processing and analysis techniques were carried out by using the chi-square statistical test. From the results of the analysis, it is known that the value of sig. for the measurement of sitting work attitude with job satisfaction of 0.033. This value means that the p-value > 0.01 but < 0.05, the test results are declared significant. There is a relationship between sitting work attitude and job satisfaction of workers in the weaving machine. The conclusion of this study is the level of job satisfaction of workers in the machine section of PT Iskandar Indah Printing Textile Surakarta is that there are 16 workers (66.7%) who experience job dissatisfaction and 8 workers (33.3%) who experience job satisfaction.


Sitting work attitude, job satisfaction, ergonomics

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