Study of Acropora Coral Growth With Various Transplantation Media In Karang Jeruk Waters, Tegal Regency

Beni Sabdo Nugroho, Budi Santoso


Coral reefs condition in “Karang Jeruk” waters has suffered a lot of damage. Coral transplantation is one of the efforts to overcome the problem of damage to the coral ecosystem. This study aimed to determine the growth of Acropora corals transplanted with three different media (concrete, earthenware, and iron stakes/pegs). The research location is in Karang Jeruk waters, Tegal Regency. The method used in this study is experiment and observation. The study was conducted in July through October 2012. The results showed that the survival rate of Acropora corals transplanted into three different growing media, yielded the same value for all of them, i.e., 66.67%. The most optimal growth of Acropora corals was using concrete medium, with an average coral diameter growth of 0.044 mm, and an average coral height growth of 0.025 mm. Concrete medium is also known to be stronger than earthenware and iron stakes media. Treatment on the concrete medium needs to be done every two weeks to clean the algae that cover the transplanted Acropora coral seedlings.


Acropora, Karang Jeruk, Terumbu Karang, Biorock.

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