Article of International Environmental Policy: Analysis of Airborne Pollution Problems (Case Study: Trail Smelter)

Rahayu Pratiwi, Raihani Saputry


Industrial development and technological advances cause various problems of pollution and environmental damage. Problems related to the environment are a global problem, both for developed and developing countries. The emergence of problems to the environment due to industrial developments such as what happened in the case of air pollution in the Trail Smelter case. The Canadian Trail Smelter case caused air pollution which was considered damaging and polluting the neighboring country, namely the United States. The Trail Smelter Plant is an iron ore smelting plant that produces iron products and produces industrial waste in the form of sulfur dioxide air pollution. Both countries raised the problem and damage caused by the Trail Smelter Plant through The International join Commission (IJC) which resulted in a fine decision to Canada as the owner of the Trail Smelter Plant and keep the plant operating. This decision was rejected by the United States because it was considered that the decision was not following the impact caused by the Trail Smelter Plant. The settlement which was then carried out by Canada and the United States was which the Arbitration Board resulting in a final decision, namely that there was real damage due to the Trail Smelter so that Canada was obliged to pay an additional fine and asked the Trail Smelter to reduce the impact of the pollutant released from this case, it becomes a reference and benchmark for countries experiencing problems related to traffic pollution, especially air traffic.


Arbitration, Air Pollution, Environmental Laws, Trail Smelter, Tribunal

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