Water Pollution Identification and Mitigation at Several Points of Bengawan Solo River

Arrafi Tegar Wibisono, Daravita Anggorowati, Pradityo Dwi Hanugroho, Rahmi Idhayanti, Soca Pracaya


This research was conducted to analyze the water quality of the Bengawan Solo tributaries, namely the Gajah Putih River, Pepe Baru River, Sekartaji River. Over time, these rivers have decreased in quality due to pollution. Sampling was carried out to measure parameters such as color, temperature, turbidity, waste, pH, TDS, TSS, and odor. The data were processed using descriptive and quantative approaches. The results of the data were compared with parameters based on water quality standards to determine the sources of pollutants, groups, and influencing factors. The river with the highest level of pollution is the New Pepe River. Meanwhile, the river with the lowest level of pollution is the Tirtonadi Bendung River. The river with the highest TDS value is the Pepe Baru River which is caused by high pollution. Meanwhile, the lowest TDS value is in the Tirtonadi Bendung River. The highest TSS value is in the Titronadi Bendung River. Meanwhile, the lowest TSS value is in the Gajah Putih River. Based on studies that have been done the solution to the problem of river pollution is by making IPAL in every downstream tributary of the Bengawan Solo river. Then there was socialization at the factory for processing waste before disposal and socialization to the community to be more concerned about the environment


bengawan solo river,TDS, TSS, water pollution, water quality

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