Students’ Perception of Public Green Open Space (GOS) Existence in Reducing Student Stress Levels in Surakarta

Agra Dewi Sabrina, Aninda Maulidyna, Desta Eka Fahrurozi, Novania Cantika Widagdo, Nurma Chandrasari


Urban development and population increase, accompanied by developments in means of transportation, causing a decrease in environmental quality. Environmental degradation can be a stressor for students. The aim of this research is to know the effect of environmental factors, including air temperature, noise, air pollution, cleanliness in public areas, and residential density on the stress level of students in Surakarta and also to know the influence of public Green Open Space (GOS) in reducing student stress levels in the city of Surakarta. The research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to student living in Surakarta or students who has studies in Surakarta to find out what variables in Green Open Spaces (GOS) that affect stress levels in students. The results showed that environmental factors, including air temperature, noise, air pollution, cleanliness in public areas, and residental density, affect the college student’s stress levels in Surakarta and the existence of public Green Open Space (GOS) effects on reducing student stress levels in Surakarta. These are shown by respondent’s results questionnaire. Variables that affected their stress level is air temperature (88.3%), cleanliness in public areas (85.8%), air pollution (84.4%), noise (74.2%), residental density (64.9%), and 93% of respondents stated that their emotional condition improved after visiting GOS.

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