Characteristics of Sewu Mountain Karst as Geopark Area

Bhefira Syafitri Hartawan, Reza Erwandha, Dzakiyy Sholih, Muhammad Reyhandhia Athallah Hidayat, Muhammad Bariq Irsyadi


One of the Geopark area in Indonesia is Karst area of Sewu Mountain that is located on three regencies, which are Gunung Kidul, Wonogiri, and Pacitan. The uniqueness of the karst area in terms of geology, geomorphology, hydrology, and land wealth side is managed sustainably in a geopark package. Resources in karst area are very potential to support life, on the one hand it has a wealth of potential and abundant resources, but on the other hand it is vulnerable to the risk of environmental damage due to irresponsible use. This study aims to determine the characteristics of the karst area of Sewu Mountain as a geopark area. This research object is the karst area of Sewu Mountain and uses a qualitative descriptive method, with secondary data collection. Based on the geology side, Doline is found as a characteristic in the karst area, in the geomorphology side of the Sewu Mountain karst area it is divided into three subtypes, namely polygonal, labyrinth, and tower-cone, while from hydrology it uses a conduit system, and then from cultural condition there is land use (agricultural land), livestock, and also to take advantage of the function of the sea.


Karst, Sewu Mountain, Geopark

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