Android-Based Application for Astophotography User Guide

Pradityo Utomo, Arief Budiman, Ilham Dohaan, Albaqi Nur Safi'i


The development of technology on android phones is very fast, one of the advantages of existing android phones is in terms of the camera features it offers, with high mobility people prefer to bring cellphones to take pictures. One of the arts in photography is astofotografi technique, which is the technique of taking pictures of astronomical objects (such as the moon, planets, stars). This shooting technique is carried out in an open field at night when the conditions of sky objects are clearly clear of the obstructions of clouds. In this study an application based on Android-based astofotografi techniques was developed, this application is intended for people who want to learn astofotografi techniques using an Android camera. The advantages of this application are made offline so the application can be learned without being connected to the internet. The development of this application uses the Build and Fix method, the Build and Fix method is used because the material in this application will continue to be improved and developed until it is really effective.


Mobile Photography, Astrophotoragphy, Photography, Tutorial, Android.


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