Detecting Liver Disease Diagnosis by Combining SMOTE, Information Gain Attribute Evaluation and Ranker

Mutiara Auliya Khadija, Noor Akhmad Setiawan


Liver Disease is inflammation of liver organ that cause significant damage to the body and most severely it will cause death. Identifying or diagnosing the liver disease in patient need high concern to determine whether the patient really has the disease or not. Health is also influenced with technology. There are data mining technologies that can be used to determine and detect a disease based on the data. With high accuracy will known early identification of liver patient diagnosis and will increase patient survival rate. This research, are combine of SMOTE for preprocessing, Information Gain Attribute Evaluation and Ranker for feature selection. That methods can improve the accuracy of liver disease diagnosis. It compared with four classification using Naïve Bayes, k-NN, Random Forest and SVM. The best accuracy can we obtained using combination of SMOTE, Information Gain Attribute Evaluation and Ranker using Random Forest classification with result 77.06% in accuracy.


Liver Disease, Feature Selection, Classification

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