Analysis Transfer of the Function Cover of Agricultural Land become a Housing Area and Industry in the Semarang City with Approach of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System

Harnawan Nurul Asna, Frederik Samuel Papilaya, Charitas Fibriani


Indonesia as an agricultural country has a lot of potential for agriculture or plantations that can be used as the country's economy. But along with the development of the economic system and increasing population, the need for land for interests other than agriculture has also increased so that it has the potential to cause land conversion. Semarang is the capital city of Central Java which has an area of 373.67 km2 with a population density of almost 2 million people. This research was conducted to explain and present data from the shifted area of agricultural land cover. To calculate the transfer function of agricultural land cover, this study uses the Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System approaches. The results of this study are the extent of agricultural land cover converted into residential and industrial areas.

Keywords: Geographical Information System, Remote Sensing, Transfer Function of Office Land Cover, housing and industrial area, Semarang


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