Utilization of Android based online ordering in the competition for food and beverage business using the OOAD method

Andi Priyanto, Ary Darmawan Tanidi, Andrean Oktavianto Trisaputra, Johanes Fernandes Andry


The world of information technology is important in the world of e-commerce. There is a need for media to support transactions when one of them uses an Android-based mobile phone. One promising field in the world of e-commerce is by opening a dining business. But in doing business there is a problem that is serious enough to be addressed immediately. The problem is the accumulation of customers who have no place and customers who want to order food to take home must come and queue at the place. This will make customers feel lazy to come to the location to order and wait in line. In dealing with such problems by making an online food and beverage ordering application. With an online food and beverage ordering application based on Android, it will make it easier for customers to order food without having to queue and come to the location. Customers only order from home and the order will be delivered by the courier from the place to eat. In making the application, the OOAD method is very appropriate to be applied to create the application. The OOAD method analyzes each object between classes that will be created in the application. This application with the OOAD method will be described using UML diagrams.


Android, OOAD, Online Ordering, Business


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