Web-Based Information System Design of Duty Warrant and Official Travel Warrant on Food Department of Salatiga City

Julia Lidia Radjawane, Augie David Manuputty


Department of food Salatiga city is implementing elements of the government in the field of food. One of the work units there is a personnel department that handles staffing issues such as  Duty Warrant (SPT) and Official Travel Warrant (SPPD). SPT and SPPD making process manually. This causes  such as the occurrence of errors-typing errors in the input data so that the making of the SPT and SPPD is repeated-again and take a longer time. So that all can be done quickly so it needed a computerized information system for handle the management problem of SPT and SPPD at Food Department Salatiga City. This system uses waterfall design method. Implementation of this application development using framework codeigniter,using MySQL database and testing using blackbox method. As a result, this system can help heads of departments, secretaries, and personnel sections in facilitating the management of SPT and SPPD.


Information System; Duty Warrant; Official Travel Warrant


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