Developing Information System Analysis Using ISO/IEC12207:2008 (Case Study: Center Of Information Technology and Standard of Aeronautics and Space-LAPAN)

aditya bagus prasetya, Frederik Samuel Papilaya, Alhadi Saputra


Abstract - Software is an important part of several knowledge and business discipline. Recently, software is growing rapidly but there is no uniformity or framework to set and develop the software. This research purposes to do analysis and evaluation toward development and developing service of information system based on ISO/IEC framework 12207:2008. This research using Qualitative Descriptive method to reveal a problem. Based on the results from analysis and evaluation of development services and information system development using the framework of ISO / IEC 12207: 2008, the system hasn’t fulfilled the standard even though some of the existing standards have been implemented but not fully. This analysis is made recommendation and work product as a suggestion to improve and follow up from the improvement of development and developing service of information system which exists in Information Technology Center and Standard of Aeronautics and Space.

Keywords: Evaluation, Software, ISO/IEC 122.07:2008



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