Kolaborasi Orang Tua dan Anak sebagai Agen Literasi Digital: Analisis Konten Kreatif di Youtube

Rona Rizkhy Bunga Chasana


This study looks at how the relation of three levels between parents, their children, and other children in terms of digital literacy. In literacy, parents play a role in accompanying children in the digital age. Refers to parenting styles that combining parenting confidence, permissive parenting, and participant-centered techniques, this study trying to see how parents encourage their children to get benefit by using the digital technology. Parents who are digital literacy agencies also directs their children being digital literacy agencies for other children outside their families through creative content creation on Youtube. By producing positive creative content, there are several things that can be created: (1) proficiency in digital technology, (2) balancing children world, the virtual and physic activity, (3) Increase children creativity, (4) good interaction between parents and children, (5) encouraging children to gain their participatory rights, (6) giving other children outside their families to get positive content, and (7) providing additional knowledge to other children..


digital literacy; parenting; creative content; children


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