Soil Temperature and Moisture Forecasting Using Exponential Smoothing Method Based on Mean Absolute Percentage Error

Muhamad Nur Azmi Wahyudi, Cucuk Wawan Budiyanto, Mohd. Shafie bin Bakar


Soil is an essential medium for almost all plants. Temperature and moisture in the soil become one of the factors that affect plant growth. Unbalanced or unfavorable soil conditions will adversely affect the plant. Therefore, soil conditions, including temperature and moisture, must be monitored to maintain plant health. Forecasting can be used to find out the soil condition in the future so that strategies can be prepared to deal with these conditions. This forecasting is carried out based on existing soil temperature and moisture data, which is then processed using the exponential smoothing method and mean absolute percentage error as a reference for the error rate or accuracy of the forecasting. The application of these methods succeeded in producing forecasting with very good overall accuracy.


exponential smoothing, forecasting, MAPE, plant health, soil condition

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