Home Automation (Monitoring Terang Redup Lampu Dan Kontrol Tirai Jendela) Berbasis Node MCU Dan Android

Liliek Triyono


Light Monitoring Dimmed Lights and Curtain Control Windows Node-based MCU is a system designed to turn on and off lights using android controls. In addition the system is also equipped with features open and close the window curtain automatically. This feature and traffic use the LDR sensor to detect light and make it up to 300 then the servo motor will move and open the window. In addition to control android applications, this is in accordance with the function of this system is to control whether the lights are in a state of light or not. You can use remote lights in accordance with the conditions desired by the home owner on android device. This system is used to explore issues related to energy and home safety.


lamps, curtains, controls, ldr, servo motors, android

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