Suhartono Suhartono, Chamdani M, Susiani T.S, Salimi M


The purposes of this study were: (1) to describe the development of techniques SCAMPER with Scientific approach in improving teachers’ writing competence; (2) to improve the competence of teachers in writing. This study uses collaborative action research design. The subjects were elementary school teachers who have been certified. A description of action research and advisory research proposal development, implementation of research in their respective schools, the preparation of research reports, and preparation for a research article published in the journal. Analisis data is done by qualitative analysis. The results showed that the SCAMPER technique  with scientific approach appropriately carried out in an elementary school teacher in accordance with the procedures that exist in theory, namely: subtitute, combine, adapt, magnify, put to other uses, Eliminate, and Rearrange/reverse combined with the activity observed, ask, try , processing, presenting, concluded, and create. The conclusion of this study is SCAMPER technique with scientific approach can improve the writing competence of teachers. It is proved by their understanding of them in the classroom action research in the form of their ability to prepare proposals, acted upon, and prepare research reports increases as the evidence of this research.

Keywords: SCAMPER, scientific, writing

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