Constructing Scientific Argumentation in Inquiry Based Reading : Frameworks for Analyzing Argument Process in the Classroom

Riezky Maya Probosari, Sajidan Sajidan, Suranto Suranto, Baskoro Adi Prayitno, Murni Ramli, Hefy Sulistyawati


The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of inquiry-based reading on students’ argumentation skills and how scientific argumentation was constructed in science classroom communication. In this classroom research, 59 students of Biology Education Program at a state university in Central Java, who were at their third semester, participated in the inquiry-based reading for 10 weeks.  The data were qualitatively and descriptively analyzed in search of ways that could describe the observed changes in students’ performance on argumentative process and argumentation product.  Argumentation process illustrated how they stated claim, found evidence, formulated reasoning, defended their argument, questioned and evaluated other’s claim. The results showed that students’ argumentative skills related to their understanding of problem context and the argumentation products increase as they experienced in inquiry based reading.   The study describes empirical facts of how scientific argumentation is built as part of inquiry in inquiry-based reading and implication for future research.   

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