Local Culture as Learning Resources and Teaching Media to Build Student’s Character in Kudus

Imaniar Purbasari


The main problem of teachers and education’s practitioners is how to manage an effective learning, it means that creating condition for students to learn easily. Learning with media is solution. Object of this research are learning resources and instructional media illustration story for elementary school students in social studies concept couse PGSD FKIP Muria Kudus University. The purpose of this research are to look for accurate information about the thinking comprehension to understanding of the tradition and local cultural heritage material, especially for PGSD FKIP Muria Kudus University students, as well as the implementation of instructional materials and teaching media to tech social studies for elementary school in Kudus. This research are descriptive qualitative. Collection data use technique observation, interview and documentation. The result of this research must be confirmed by expert tradition and local cultural heritage, as well as instructional media to get the validity of data. The results of this research show that the students of PGSD FKIP Muria Kudus University can understand or have deep thinking comprehension the material of tradition and local cultural heritage after they have observations. It shows that the use of teaching media tradition and cultural heritage in Kudus has well done. The process of implementation teaching media in social studies for elementary school can help the students and the teachers. By teaching ilustration story media can facilitate to indtroduce and understand of tradition and cultural heritage as source of Indonesia local culture to be a national identity.
Keywords: Illustrated Story Media, Culture, Elementary School, Social Studies.

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