The Effect of Suggestopedia Learning Method on Descriptions Writing Skills of Fourth Grade Elementary Pupils

Rahmasari Dwimarta, St Y Slamet, Rukayah Rukayah


This research aims to determine 1) the student`s writing skill differences while using Suggestopedia and Direct method, 2) the student`s descriptive writing skills differencesbased on the learning motivation either high or low, 3) interaction between the teaching method and the pupils learning motivation. This research used a quasi- experimental methods. The sampling technique is a two stage sampling. The samples amounted to 5 from 5 elementary school, each one located in one district.The data set model has been tested using Lilliefors test has for the normality, Barlett test for the homogeneity. ANOVA Two Ways was used for the data analysis, and the test on the measuring its effectiveness uses Scheffé's.Based on the data analysis, the results obtained were a Fobs (A) of 33.0072 and an Ftable (A) of 3.931; a Fobs(B) of 22.0552 and Ftable(B)of 3.931; and a Fobs(AB) of 4.2518 and Ftable(AB) of 3.931 until Fobs > Ftable the following H0A, H0B, H0AB are rejected.The conclusion of this research is that the teaching method and the learning motivation have effect to the descriptive `writing skills got an interaction between the learning motivation and the learning skills.
Keywords: Suggestopedia method, direct method, motivation tolearn, description write.

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