Development of Learning Book Based on Inquiry Guidenes the Topic Structure of Earth in Grade V of Elementary School Pucangsawit of Surakarta

Anna Mariyani


The objectives of this research are: 1) to develop of learning book based on inquiry guidenes; (2) to investigate the feasibility of learning book based on inquiry guidenes; and (3) the effectiveness of learning book based on inquiry guidenes for the students achievement on the topic Structure of earth of Grade V of Elementary School Pucangsawit of Surakarta.
The research used the Research and Development (R&D) method, which referred to the model claim by Thiagarajan (4D), namely: (1) Define; (2) Design; (3) Development; (4) Dissemminate. The respondents of learning book development included field testing respondents consisting 2 validators and 2 practitioners, limited- scale main field testing respondents consisting 5 students, and operational field testing respondents consisting of 22 students in class existing learning. The data of research were gathered through questionnaire, observation, in-depth interview, and test. They were analyzed by using the descriptive qualitative method. Meanwhile, the result of cognitive learning was analyzed by using normalized N-gain to investigate the effectiveness of the developed learning model; Paired Sample T test to investigate the students achievement prior to and following the model use; Independent t test and Anava, to investigate the difference of the result of existing learning class, module class, and that of aggregation class.
The results of research are as follows: 1) The product developed is the learning book which is in accordance with inquiry guidenes, it has student’s work sheet, and it is contextual; 2) The result of learning book based on inquiry guidenes is feasible to be applied on the topic of Strucutre of Earth. The results of validation by experts of learning models on the developed module, practitioners, and students are 3.59 (very good), 3.47 (good), and 3.19 (good) respectively. Therefore, it is feasible to be used in Elementary School Pucangsawit of Surakarta. 3) The results of the effectiveness of the developed learning book based on Inquiry Guidenes are indicated by the average scores of the knowledge learning result obtained by the existing learning class, module class, and aggregation class, namely: 69.12, 75.69, and 81.64 respectively. In term of attitude learning result, the aggregation class has more students who obtain the very good score (22.3) than the learning book class (16.5) in each aspect. In term of skill learning result, the average score of the students of the aggregation class is higher than that of the module class. Based on the results of research a conclusion is drawn that the characteristics of the developed Inquiry Guidenes-based learning book, it has student’s work sheet, and it is contextual. Therefore, it is feasible and effective to improve the student’s achievement on the topic Structure of Earthof Grade V of Elementary School Pucangsawit of Surakarta.
Keywords: Learning book, Inquiry Guidenes, Structure of Earth, and student’s achievement.

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